BBLR MDs on 29. and 30.07.2004

Original draft MD plan

Sequence of events, cycle numbers, beam conditions, tunes, BBLR currents, etc. (word)

Preliminary analysis of lifetime vs. BBLR-2 current, distance, and tunes QH & QV near original working point 29.07. (excel)

Somewhat refined analysis and additional scans 29.07. (excel)

Preliminary analysis of lifetime vs. tune QV and vs. BBLR2- current around LHC working point 30.07. (excel)

Q-meter 29.07.04 (zip)

Q-meter 30.07.04 (zip)

BCT 29.07.04 (zip)

BCT 30.07.04 (zip)

PMT data 29.07 and 30.07.04 (zip)

Parameters: bunch length (4 sigma) = 4 ns, longitudinal emittance 0.340. eVs, total rf voltage 2 MV,  total proton intensity in 12 bunches about 3.5e11; the main quadrupoles QF/QD are used to change the tunes

Description of SPS wire scanners; Paper on WS design

List of cycle numbers for which wire scans are available (excel); Comparing linear & rotational wire scans

Core emittances during various cycles on 30.07.04 (gif) - SC5752-5768, SC5774-5789, SC5791-5813, SC5956-6015, SC6097-6170, core and tail emittances during various cycles (gif) - SC5544-5595 , SC5752-5768, SC5774-5789, SC5791-5813, SC5956-6015, SC6097-6170, ratio of tail and total integrals during various cycles (gif) -  SC5544-5595, SC5752-5768, SC5774-5789, SC5791-5813, SC5956-6015, SC6097-6170, example fit (eps) - fit-example

Profile at 4 times from core-emittance fit for s.c. 503 (gif), agreement between rotational scanners BWS414 and BWS519 (gif)

Preliminary analysis of wire scans from 30.07.04 (T. Sen)

Short Presentation in ABP-LCE Meeting 6. August 2004 (FZ)

Some notes on switching and recabling