Brief summary of discussion on crab cavity, 19.09.2006

Participating: Rama Calaga, Rogelio Tomas, Joachim Tuckmantel, Frank Zimmermann


Joachim pointed out that the beam is sentivie to noise at the betatron harmonic of about 3 kHz. Rama commented that this is higher than typical mechanical vibration frequencies. Joachim emphasized that second order terms of any kind could prove important over 1e8 turns.


Rogelio showed a new optics design for crab cavities, now with a larger crossing angle of 8 mrad. This leaves sufficient space for the Q1 quadrupoles, unlike the 4.5 mrad optics, and it would even allow for further reduction of beta* below 0.25m . There are three dipoles per side of the IP, and the beta functions are less regular due to the effect of the dispersion match. At Q1 the interbeam distance is 200 mm and at the crab cavity location the spacing between the beam lines is 60 cm. The nominal full aperture at Q1 is 9 sigma including the effect of beta mismatch, dispersion mismatch and closed orbit errors.  The dipoles have a field of 8 T. If higher field magnets become available their length could be shortened gaining additional space for the crab cavities. A remaining challenge may be that the axes of two beam lines are not parallel in the Q1 magnet. The crab cavity proposed by Rama has a half aperture of 53 cm and would thus fit in the region with 60 cm separation. A total 400-MHz crab voltage of 111 MV is needed, so that 4-5 MV/m would be adequate. The total longitudinal space available for crabbing rf is 25 per beam.


Joachim remarked that the high field of the crab cavity could be a problem. The other constraints is the aperture of Q.


Rama discussed other problems to be addressed. He presented a baseline design consisting of double-squashed-cell units. As always the B field providing the crab kick. The length of the two cells is 0.75 m. Leaving another 0.75 space for damping,  46 cells with 2,.5 MV kick voltage per cell would fit on 35 m. The half apertures of the squashed cell are 37.5 cm and 53 cm, respectively. For the aspect ration of 0.75, the frequency separation between the TM110,Y (unwanted) and TM110,X (crabbing) mode is 50 MHz. An aspect ratio closer to 1 with reduced separation might be feasible. Rama argued that a 2-cell design is not as bad in terms of mode damping as a higher multi-cell cavity. Joachim suggested to watch out for the sigma and pi modes, quoting experience with lepton s.c. cavities during proton operation in the CERN SPS, where the suppression of modes with the low-level rf system proved difficult but possible. He commented that phase noise could be enhanced by the additional systems needed for mode suppression.


Joachim suggested a sausage type cavity geometry which would allow for larger transverse extent without overlapping the second beam line. MAFIA calculation are needed to verify such a design. Space needs to be reserved for superinsulation and vacuum tank. Rama mentioned that the geometry could be slightly reduced by means of capacitive leading. Joachim replied that this is difficult for s.c. cavities, where multipacting is a problem. The surface field limit for Nb cavities is around 1.8 kG. Rama assumed an external Q of about 1e6 (to be checked).


Rogelio asked which simulation codes can simulate luminosity for protons. Frank did not know an immediate answer. Presumably the codes of Andreas Kabel and Tanaji Sen are able to predict luminosity. Reliability is another question.


Rama then showed the orbit and  tune shift in the case of two crab cavity sections in IP2 and 8 only, as a function of the crossing angle. At a 4 mrad angle, the peak orbit at the bunch head or tail (1 sigma) changes by 6-7 mm, and the tune by 5e-3, which is not considered acceptable. This option might work for 500 microrad crossing angle, and is a cheaper? alternative to reducing longitudinal emittance and adding higher-harmonic rf for bunch shortening. Rogelo commented that Tanaji Sen’s optics with Ti3Sn could be used for such scheme. Frank noticed that the tune shift with crossing angle could probably be reduced by optimizing the sextupole strengths and the arc optics.


It was noticed that LEP rf noise data could be of interest as example. There seems to be no promising R&D on s.c. cavities with higher gradients than those for Nb cavities. Deposition techniques on copper might be the most adequate for new materials.