Electron Lens
Beam-Beam Compensation
Successful Compensation of Beam-Beam
Effects on Protons with Tevatron Electron Lens (pdf
V. Shiltsev, APD Meeting 07.01.2007 and LARP-doc-466 (2007)
Improvement of Tevatron Beam Lifetime by Factor of 2.
V. Shiltsev, Tevatron experiment 12.12.2006 (2006).
Head-On Compensation with Electron Lenses.
V. Shiltsev, CARE-HHH-APD Workshop LUMI'06 Valencia (2006).
on compensation of beam-beam effects in the Tevatron with electron beams.
V. Shiltsev, V. Danilov, D. Finley, and A. Sery
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 2, 071001 (1999)
of space charge effect at beam-beam interactions in proton proton colliders.
E. Tsyganov (SUNY, Albany) , A. Taratin, A. Zinchenko (Dubna, JINR) .
JINR-E9-96-4, Jan 1996. 12pp.
Submitted to Phys.Lett.A
Collective Instability of Compensated Colliding Beams.
Ya.S. Derbenev, IYF-70-72, SLAC-TRANS-0151 (1972).
Space-Charge Compensation
Space-charge compensation in proton boosters.
Alexey V. Burov, G.W. Foster, V.D. Shiltsev (Fermilab) . FERMILAB-CONF-01-130-T,
PAC-2001-RPAH023, Jun 2001. 3pp.
Prepared for IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 2001), Chicago, Illinois,
18-22 Jun 2001.
Published in *Chicago 2001, Particle accelerator* 2896-2898
Space-charge compensation in high-intensity proton rings.
Alexey V. Burov, G.W. Foster, V.D. Shiltsev (Fermilab) . FERMILAB-TM-2125, Sep
2000. 12pp.
Space-Charge-Induced Resonances in a Synchrotron,
S. Machida, NIM A 384 (1997) 316 Pages
Shaping of the Proton Distribution
for Raising the Space Charge at the CERN PS Booster,
J.P. Delahaye, G. Gelato, L. Magnani, G. Nassibian, F. Pedersen, K.H. Reich, K.H.
Schindl, H.O. Schönauer, HEACC Geneva 1980
Pre-Christmas Brainstorm, 21.12.2006
Electron Cooler Resonances
Electron Cooler Driven Transverse Resonances,
V. Ziemann, Electron Cooler Driven Transverse Resonances, EPAC1998
Comparison of Non-Linear Effects from the Electric Field of Several Current
V. Ziemann, (TSL-Note-2004-60), Nucl. Inst. and Methods A 556 (2006) 45.
Transverse Profiles and Stability Limits
with Electron Cooler and Pellet Target,
V. Ziemann, Manuscript Nucl. Inst. and Methods A D-07-000055.
Studies of Electron Heating using MAD-X,
S. Sorge, CERN AB Forum, 10 May 2007
Additional Material
MAD lattice of PS booster: http://project-ps-optics.web.cern.ch/project-PS-optics/cps/Psb/
Memo of M. Aiba, 24.11.2006