RHIC Optics
Posted below is a tar file for RHIC optics for both Blue and Yellow, and both
injection and store (100GeV).
In the experiment we had long-range beam-beam interaction at the nominal IP
(s=0m), and shifted to s=10.65m.
For the compensation test we would have either
(1) LR interaction at s=9m and compensator
in Yellow ring at s=40m, or
(2) LR interaction at s=(3834-9)m
in Blue ring at s=(3834-40)m
(s-positions are clockwise for both Blue and Yellow).
The exact location of the compensator may be a 1 or 2 more meters out (i.e. 41
or 42m).
Beam parameters (gamma for injection and store) are in the madx files. Particles
were protons, emittance is about 20mm.mrad (sqrt(6) sigma).
For Tanaji's workshop, I will work on a better analysis of the experiment we did
on 28 April.
Your analysis would be very helpful indeed to complement this. (My student
decided to go back to Indiana, working on something else.)