LR Beam-Beam "Compensation" at RHIC, R.Calaga, CERN ATS seminar, 7 April 2011
Summary of RHIC experiments 2005-08 (excel); fitted exponent vs WP around 0.25; fitted exponent vs WP around 0.75, W. Fischer
Draft paper on 2007 RHIC wire experiments, R. Calaga
Distance power law for protons at Injection, April 2005 (blue tunes: 0.7394,0.7271, yellow tunes: 0.7264,0.7388)W. Fischer
Draft Slides for April-2006 US LARP Meeting in Berkeley, W. Fischer
Measurement of the Long-Range Beam-Beam Effect at Injection and Design for a Compensator in RHIC, W. Fischer et al., BNL C-A/AP/236
General Considerations & Plan (summary of CERN meeting on 10.12. + additions)
Proposal of 1st RHIC Beam Experiment (W. Fischer)
Excel sheet with phase advances to IP & illustrations (W. Fischer)
Hpgl files with BBLR drawings: SPSBBLR_0030 and SPSBBLR_0031
Assessment for April-2005 LARP meeting [word file] (Jean-Pierre Koutchouk, Frank Zimmermann)
RHIC Long-Range Beam-Beam Experiment, May 2005 (W. Fischer)
LARP Wire Compensation Task Sheet May 2005 (Tanaji Sen)
RHIC Optics with MAD file (W. Fischer)
Summary of Spring-2005 RHIC Experiment - excel file (W. Fischer)
Draft Note Describing Design for RHIC Wire Compensator (January 2006)
Link to Tanaji Sen's RHIC page
W. Fischer et al, Experiments with a DC Wire in RHIC, PAC 2007 Albuquerque